Creating a path to achieve your full leadership potential.


Life can often times present us with barriers or challenges that prevent us from moving forward toward our destination. Cleverley Consulting + Coaching (CCC) partners with clients and organizations to help them clear the barriers in their path and achieve their desired leadership goals.

CCC seeks to help individuals and organizations get a better view of the when, why and how to reach their full leadership potential utilizing The Leadership Challenge framework. Whether through one-on-one leadership coaching or organizational leadership consulting, we can create a leadership path resulting in effective and exemplary leadership.  



Over the past twenty years, I developed my knowledge base, credentials, and experience in the areas of leadership and coaching. My philosophy is that learning leadership is something that is a sustainable…because there is no end game to leadership.  

In my work and in my life, I stand by the following five values:

Family. Authenticity. Trust. Learning. Social Justice.

Dr. Cleverley-Thompson